The Best Times to Post on Social Media: A Guide for Maximum Engagement

As a marketing agency, we get asked the question, "What are the best times to post on social media?" In this blog post, we'll provide some general guidelines for the best times to post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to ensure your social media posts are seen by as many people as possible. We'll also discuss the importance of considering your target audience's time zone and schedule when planning your social media posts.

3/6/20232 min read

As a marketing agency, one of the most common questions we get asked is, "What are the best times to post on social media?" While there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are some general guidelines you can follow to ensure your social media posts are seen by as many people as possible.

Here are some of the best times to post on social media for maximum engagement:

  1. Facebook: The best time to post on Facebook is between 1 pm and 4 pm, with Wednesday being the best day of the week. However, it's important to note that the best time to post on Facebook can vary depending on your target audience.

  2. Twitter: The best time to post on Twitter is between 12 pm and 3 pm, with Wednesday and Thursday being the best days of the week. Twitter moves at a much faster pace than other social media platforms, so it's important to post frequently throughout the day.

  3. Instagram: The best time to post on Instagram is between 9 am and 11 am, with Wednesday being the best day of the week. However, Instagram's algorithm is constantly changing, so it's important to monitor your engagement to see what works best for your audience.

  4. LinkedIn: The best time to post on LinkedIn is between 9 am and 12 pm, with Tuesday and Wednesday being the best days of the week. LinkedIn is a professional networking site, so it's important to post during business hours.

  5. Pinterest: The best time to post on Pinterest is between 8 pm and 11 pm, with Saturday being the best day of the week. Pinterest is a visual search engine, so it's important to use high-quality images and post frequently.

It's also important to consider your target audience's time zone and schedule when planning your social media posts. For example, if your target audience is in a different time zone, you may need to adjust your posting schedule accordingly.

The best times to post on social media, following these general guidelines can help you maximize your social media engagement. However, it's important to remember that what works for one business may not work for another, so it's important to monitor your engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly.